You need to create an RFC to the SLDCHECK:
1. In your web browser, enter the URL of SAP NetWeaver Administrator using the following pattern:
2. Choose Configuration Management u2192 Infrastructure u2192 Jco RFC Provider.
3. Choose Create.
4. Enter the connection and transport parameters as required.
Program ID
We recommend that you use the following pattern: SLDAPI_<SAPSID>, where SAPSID is the system identifier of the AS Java system.
Gateway host
Gateway service
If your AS Java is an add-on installation to an ABAP system, use the gateway of the ABAP system. You can look up the gateway parameters of an ABAP system using transaction SMGW.
If your AS Java is a standalone installation, we recommend using a gateway on the Central Services Instance host. As of SAP NetWeaver 7.1, usage type AS Java that comprises SLD also contains an SAP RFC Gateway.
Server Count (1..20)
Enter 3.
5. Choose Next.
6. Enter logon data to the ABAP repository. You can either use an existing RFC destination from SAP NetWeaver Administrator u2192 Configuration Management u2192 Security u2192 Destinations or you specify the ABAP repository explicitly. The destination should point preferably to an AS ABAP close to SLD. If SLD is running on an AS Java standalone installation, the calling AS ABAP can be used instead. We recommend to create and use an RFC destination instead of explicitly specifying the connect parameters here. In both cases, the following parameters are required
System Landscape Directory 15
User Manual 03.04.2008
Application Server Host
System Number
Enter the logon data for the AS ABAP system. You must specify an existing user with appropriate authorizations for RFC.
If you are running a system with both usage types AS ABAP and AS Java, use the logon data for this system.
If your AS Java is a standalone installation, use the logon data for the calling ABAP system.
7. Choose Next.
8. Leave the default values in the next steps.
9. Create the Jco RFC destination by choosing Finish.
The Jco RFC destination creates a number of u201CServer Countu201D RFC server threads on your AS Java. These RFC servers register at the RFC Gateway specified. You may configure multiple ABAP systems to connect to these RFC servers. In this case, the Server Count should be increased when TIME_OUT exceptions are observed.
Creating an RFC Destination for the SLD ABAP API on the AS ABAP Side
If you want to configure an ABAP application to access data in the SLD through the SLD ABAP API, you have to create an RFC destination on the ABAP system side.
An RFC destination for the SLD ABAP API is created on the AS Java side.
1. Call transaction SM59.
2. Select TCP/IP connections and choose Create.
3. In the RFC Destination field, enter SAPSLDAPI.
4. On the Technical Settings tab page, select the Registered Server Program indicator.
5. In the Program ID field, enter the same program ID as the one you entered when you created an RFC destination for the SLD ABAP API on the AS Java side. We recommend that you use the following pattern: SLDAPI_<SAPSID>, where SAPSID is the system identifier of the AS Java system.
6. Choose MDMP & Unicode and select the Unicode indicator.
7. Choose Save.
8. Test the RFC destination by choosing Connection Test.
If the display shows the response times, you have configured the RFC destination correctly.