Hi Nelson,
In windows platforms sometimes ' can be a problem in CMD.
So please create the service as below and then change the record in REGEDIT. I'm writing step by step.
sc.exe create SAPRouter binPath= "d:\usr\sap\saprouter\saprouter.exe service -r -W 60000 -R d:\usr\sap\saprouter\saprouttab -K ^p:CN=XXXXX, OU=0000111111, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE^" start= auto obj= "XXXX\saprouter"
After creating the service, find the key from Regedit-> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM - >CurrentControlSet - >Services -> Saprouter -> Imagepath
and change signs ^ to “.
After save, try to start service.