I was able to kickoff the process through /nCRR_CONTROL
Job is also active " RSUPG_ISU_CRR DDIC Active 31.10.2014 12:23:26 10.194"
under the transfer overview it's saying "
More than 95% of recorded changes are transferred. You can start the downtime now or at a later point in time depending on your schedule. Keep monitoring the transfer until the start of the downtime. "
I would like to know how can we start the process. I tried to continue but it came back to the same screen or error.
ERROR: Batchjob RSUPG_ISU_CRR on shadow system failed. Detected the following errors:
# E:\usr\sap\SUM\SUM\abap\log\RSCRRLST.DV2:
Do I need to wait until the job finish the start the process through SUM ?
Do I need to manually bring down instance and run ?
Please advise for the next step.