Hello Suraj,
SAPHOSTAGENT has an integrated sapccmsr agent in sapstartsrv, and this agent is always a non-Unicode agent like the whole SAPHOSTAGENT package. To see OS data in ST06 you should use a standalone sapccmsr agent and you should deactivate this integrated agent, because the integrated agent cannot transfer OS data to ST06 until certain basis support package. This integrated agent can be deactivated by setting the parameter
ccms/enable_agent = 0
in the profile host_profile of the SAPHOSTAGENT, this profile should locate in the directory /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe. After you have set this parameter, you need to restart the SAPHOSTAGENT with
saphostexec -restart
Please check the trace sapstartsrv_ccms.log in the directory /usr/sap/hostctrl/work/sapccmsr, if this trace is updated or not to be sure, that the integrated agent is deactivated.
After that you can register the standalone sapccmsr agent. If the integrated agent was started once, it will create a non-Unicode CCMS shared memory segment, and the easiest way would be to use also a non-Unicode standalone sapccmsr agent. But if you want to use a Unicode sapccmsr agent you will need to cleanup the shared memory and delete CCMS shared memory backup files.
If the agent registration still does not work, could you please share the content of the agent trace sapccmsr.log, which should locate in the directory /usr/sap/tmp/sapccmsr?