trc file: "dev_enqsrv", trc level: 1, release: "720"
sysno 00
sid SS7
systemid 324 (IBM RS/6000 with AIX)
relno 7200
patchlevel 0
patchno 318
intno 20020600
make multithreaded, ASCII, 64 bit, optimized
pid 13107382
[Thr 01] Fri Jul 12 15:47:35 2013
[Thr 01] profile /usr/sap/CH7/SYS/profile/SS7_DVEBMGS00_ss7h215
[Thr 01] hostname ss7h215
[Thr 01] Listen successful on port/service sapdp00
[Thr 01] Fri Jul 12 15:47:36 2013
[Thr 01] EnqInitCleanupServer: Removed enque table (key 34)
[Thr 01] initialize_global: Enqueue server started WITHOUT replication functionality
[Thr 01] Enqueue server runs with SAP codepage 1100
[Thr 01] Enqueue: EnqMemStartupAction Utc=1373636856
[Thr 01] EnqLockTableCreate: create lock table (size = 33554432)
[Thr 01] EnqLockTableMapToLocalContext: enque/use_pfclock2 = FALSE
[Thr 01] Fri Jul 12 15:47:39 2013
[Thr 01] ***LOG GEZ=> Server start [encllog.cpp 501]
[Thr 01] Enqueue server start with instance number 00