Dear Srivasthava,
Yesterday the MMC have POD(SID) was missing so, i can add the SID again
1, access system by sidadm user
2, open cmd commandline with administration authorization
3, type command "sapstartsrv -t"
4, in the newly pop up window select remove service 00,
5, repeat step 3-4 to remove service 01
6, repeat step 3,
7, select install service 00 with user sapservicesid, it is with same
password of sidadm in your system,
8, repeat 6-7 to install service 01
9, open MMC, the POD system is added successfully.
like above i steps i added.
Then i start the System above error we are facing.
I restarted the Server OS level on-wards for releasing Memory space. Still the error is persistent.
we checked on USR security the folder have access is <" Users (SAP_GT_PO_DEV\Users) (Read& execute, list folders contents,Read, Special permissions)">
Please suggest.