This is not a bug, at least in SUM SP10..
The SUM SP 10 Guide provide the procedure to import the NW certificate in the SUM certificate authority list.
By doing so before starting SUM you did not get that error.
The crazy thing is that the solution is even provided in the error message !
5.3Verifying Certificates (page 56)
The Verify Service SSL Cerrtificates dialog in SUM informs you if a certificate is not trusted, as SUM performs a check for SSL certificates of all system instances in your landscape during the update process. In this case, you have to export the SSL certificate by using the sapgenpse tool. Afterwards, by using the keytool
you have to import the certificate to the cacerts list used by SUM. Both sapgenpse and keytool are part of SAP NetWeaver.
Procedure to avoid problems with the check for SSL certificates during the update process, you need to ensure the certificates are trusted. Perform this procedure right after you have downloaded and unpacked the SUM package, but before starting the tool. If you have not fulfilled this prerequisite and you encounter a problem in the above mentioned dialog, you can still use the same procedure to fix the problem.
sapgenpse export_own_cert -v -p <DRIVE>:\usr\sap\<SID>\<instance_name>\sec\SAPSSLS.pse -o <DRIVE>:\<path to SUM directory>\SUM\<certificate_filename>.crt
cd <DRIVE>:\<path to SUM directory>\SUM\jvm\jre\bin.
.\keytool -importcert -noprompt -alias XYZ -trustcacerts -file <DRIVE>:\<path to SUM directory>\SUM\<certificate_filename>.crt -keystore <DRIVE>:\<path to SUM directory>\SUM\jvm\jre\lib\security\cacerts -storepass changeit