Hello Yves,
Thank you for this information.
I'd like to tell you that, we are using a shared transport directory and the transport management system is configured properly.
But I think that, changing the status of the transport requests (the field IMPFLG) in the table TMSBUFREQ would be a possible solution, although I'm not sure, if this is the right way.
What I intend to do is the following: change the field IMPFLG ("tp Import Flag") for the transports, which have been already imported, but appear in the import queue with the status "Request waiting to be imported" .
At the moment the field IMPFLG of these transports is set to "1" ("Request waiting to be imported") and I'd like to change it to "2" ("Request already imported") .
Would it work like this? Will the correct status of the transport requests be displayed in the TRX STMS?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Kind regards,