Hi Balaji,
You can get that in the section user management of Wily EM installation guide. Essentially here are the steps to be followed:
1. User accounts must be maintained in the users.xml -> found in the /config of Wily EM path.
2. Generate the password using the MD5Encoder found in /tools of Wily EM path:
Syntax: ./MD5Encoder <username>
This generates a password, maintain that in the users.xml
3. Once the above steps are done, proceed to domains.xml and give the roles. If "X" is the username, then the roles are to be given like this
<grant user="X" permission="read" />
<grant user="X" permission="run_tracer" />
<grant user="X" permission="historical_agent_control" />
<grant user="X" permission="live_agent_control" />
Warm regards,