When you start SAP there should be startsap logs created in the home directory. What does it say?
Could you list all the profiles under /sapmnt/AC1/profile ?
The INSTSTAT log shows that the system is reading the instance profile /usr/sap/AC1/SYS/profile/AC1_DVEBMGS00_as988
I have seen this behaviour only for the systems based on the newer releases of Netweaver as there is no start profile.
Based on the Oracle version I believe the SAP system is below Netweaver 7.3 and in that case the startsap script should first read the START profile.
Are you using the same version of kernel on both the systems (PRD and QUA) ? If not copy the kernel from PRD to QUA.
Replicate the kernel from /sapmnt/AC1/exe to /usr/sap/AC1/DVEBMGS00/exe and start SAP.
How did you do the system refresh ?
Did you do a backup and restore of the PRD to QUA using BRTools?
Or was the QUA system created anew with sapinst and with the database backup of PRD?