Hi Fouad,
From the logs you shared.
ThProfileRead: read profile parameter
M gw_hostname : NWGW.localdomain
M ***LOG Q0I=> NiPGetHostByName: 'NWGW.localdomain' not found: getaddrinfo [D:/depot/bas/741_REL/src/base/ni/ninti.c 896]
M NiHLGetNodeAddr: hostname 'NWGW.localdomain' not found by operating system
M *** ERROR => ThSetGwParam : NiHostToAddr NWGW.localdomain failed [thParam.c 3322]
M in_ThErrHandle: 1
M *** ERROR => ThInit: ThProfileRead (step TH_INIT, thRc ERROR-CORE-INIT_FAILED, action STOP_WP, level 1) [thxxhead.c 2195]
Please check whether DNS entry is maintained for your server.
If not, then maintain the entry under hosts file of server.
Deepak Kori